Thursday, January 10, 2013

Club Penguin Times Issue 377

By Gary - Attention Scientists! On Jan 17, we shall kick off the island's first ever Prehistoric Party by actually traveling to the prehistoric era. But I plan on doing more than 'raising the roof. I wish to conduct a thorough study of dinosaurs. And I need YOU!     ME???

By Gary - Attention member scientists! I have a very special proposal for you which I think  you'll find quite dino-delightful. Next week,  when we arrive in the age of the Dinosaurs, I shall be arranging scientific digs to look for dino-eggs. If my calculations are correct, I should be able to scan those eggs, and use their  genetic, info to transoorm us INTO dinosaurs. I hope we shall discover several species to try with. What good is science, after all,unless it can turn into awsome things? Don't miss this rare opportunity. Join the dig on Jan 17, and tet's do some science!

Dear Gary, Why do you want to go to the Age of the Dinosaurs? -Watts D. Deale
I must admit, my motives for traveling  to the Age of the Dinosaurs are not entirely altruistic. What that means is- I want to go because I want to see Dinosaurs so bad! Oh, how I have loved studying dinosaurs since I was very young. In fact, one of my first toys was a stuffed Tyrannosaurs Rex. His name was Lord Chompington. He was quite polite, I recall. Researching dinosaurs is partly what inspired me to become a inventor and scientist. And as I grew older, I wanted to learn more about them- what color ore they? Witch one is biggest? Could they throw snowballs? So now that I have the time machine, I cannot pass up the chance to see them with my own eyes. And of course , I couldn't  imagine going without tacking some friends and colleagues with me. So now the question is- have YOU ever wanted to go  to the Age of the Dinosaurs? Because if so, we both have our chance!

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