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- (Four Ninjas)
- (The Four Ninjas)
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- (Aqua Penguin)
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- (penguinband)
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- (new penguin band)
- (newpenguinband)
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- :S
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- ^_^
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- 8)
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- ;(
- (frustrated)
- >:/
- (hmm)
- 9_9
- (indifferent)
- :/
- (peace)
- \/oo
- (pirate)
- ;/
- (silly)
- :P
- (unamused)
- (...)
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Users Avatars
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- (UltimateGamer123)
- (2301)
- (Shay Dow)
- (155cyndaquil)
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- (welcome00)
- (Roger6881)
- (roger6881)
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- (Happy65)
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- Apj26
- (Wave Jones)
- (wave jones)
- (Blastthehedgehog)
- (Waddle467)
- (LizardMaster178)
- (LizardMaster)
- (TheTwinkie102)
- (Jay The Blue Ninja)
- (Jay)
- (Blue Ninja)
- (Jay the Blue Ninja)
- (cylly)
- (cylly1512)
- (Bsyew)
- (Commander Bsyew)
- 1110987654321
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- (Pucho)
- (GrandCroconaw66)
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- (Twdt)
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- (LJK)
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- (chihangsalute)
- (Rhysw2002)
- (Rhysw)
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- (KaiZX)
- (KaiFireNinja)
- (Rule666)
- (Rule)
- (C H U N K Y)
- (chunky)
- (Clover the Boomerang Bird)
- (Clover)
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- (Slippy)
- (Paperairplane29)
- (Paperairplane)
- (AngryBird3305)
- (Abdul54)
- (Abdul)
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- (Katoy90)
- (The Max79289)
- (The Max)
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- (Raven)
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- (AustinD3)
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- (Hey.you)
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- (Czech Mate)
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- (Vikey)
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- (Cammiii)
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- (Percylover)
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- (Abird)
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- (Rockstar)
- (RG)
- (Ozann2)
- (Ozann)
- (Yoyo9973)
- (Yoyo)
- (xzlxzl)
- (Epicmeme)
- (Leader of CP Parties!)
- (Custard)
- (Custard the yellow bird)
- (Custard the evil bird clone)
- (2wow136)
- (Batreeqah)
- (123kitten1)
- (kitten)
- (Phoenix the Hedgehog)
- (Phoenix)
- (mr red 100)
- (mr red)
- (Madbootdude)
- (MBD)
- (Arsenal55702)
- (Arsenal)
- (trollmeme)
- (trollface)
- (troll)
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- (Epicface)
- (1josh)
- (1joshuarules)
- (Vilwe6421)
- (Vilwe)
- (Connor)
- (Adventurer65)
- (Dogkid1)
- (Dogkid)
- (Carlos Mtz2)
- (Carlos)
- (wikia frog)
- (WikiaFrog)
- (frog)
- (Airpenguin74)
- (Greeny356)
- (Greeny)
- (Jeserator)
- (Eggy14368)
- (Eggy)
- (Khantar07)
- (Khantar)
- (Super Miron)
- (Miron)
- (supermiron)
- (The Director of PSA)
- (The Director)
- (Ph1n3a5and77)
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- (Ph1)
- (Marcus949)
- (Marcus)
- (AnonymousDuckLover)
- (DuckLover)
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- (Historical)
- (razaq1)
- (samantas5855)
- (samantas)
- (Gary3008)
- (G3008)
- (Mikeymkwii)
- (Mikey)
- (Vicyorus)
- (Vic)
- (Djf)
- (Djf1107)
- (Penguin Frost)
- (Blitzzy)
- (TA)
- (TATemporaryAaron1101)
- (Cuppy99)
- (Cuppy)
- (dyuos32)
- (dyuos)
- (PinoyPride53)
- (PinoyPride)
- (Pinoy)
- (guinydyl)
- (Cp kid)
- (Cpkid)
- (CK)
- (Hunjo11)
- (iraamish)
- (serverjump)
- (server jump)
- (serverjumping)
- (server jumping)
- (Dubstep Puffle)
- (DP)
- (Dubstep)
- (color)
- (colour)
- (music)
- (falalalala)
- (cookie)
- (dance)
- (dance2)
- (wave)
- (hi)
- (fly)
- (propeller)
- (lightsaber)
- (spin)
- (smile)
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