Friday, January 4, 2013

Penguin Time Issue 376

By Gary- Attention scientists! Attention adventurers! Attention Chester! What do we all have in common? We all want to time travel. So lets time travel! After months of work, I have invented a time machine- and I want to see some dinosaurs!

By Aunt Arctic- 2013 is here- and there's no time to waste! I hit the streets on Jan.1 to get the scoop on  the next big thing coming to Club Penguin. I ran into Gary and asked what he was up to. He said,"Inventing dinosaur repellant !" At the time that didn't make much sense to me. I spotted Cadance in the Clothes Shop, who grabbed me and said "Antie A! I'm gonna be real with you- working on a big event for February Stars. Fashon. Music. Epic. Gotta roll!' Finally, I cought up with PH outside of the Pet Shop. She was examining some strange feathers.  "Curious..." She said and walked away.

Dear Aunt Artcitc ,
Witch party are you coming to next? Parr T Thyme
Dear Parr T Thyme,
Like any respectable penguin, if I had my way, I wouldn't miss a single party for any reason. If I lost my beanie or something, I would celebrate. The show must go on! However, my schedule does tend to be a bother. Running the newspaper, reading mail and, helping to direct a few other projects doesn't leave me a lot of free time. Even when I do make it to a party, I am offen interviewing penguins to get the latest scoop. So waddling around and socializing is a rare treat. What I enjoy the most is celebrating with all of you. So I suspect that I shall be freeing up some tome for a party soon. Maby I can get Herbert to take over the news paper again, for a short break... Just kidding!

                                        You can see some jokes riddles and more on Club Penguin!

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