Friday, January 11, 2013

Prehistoric Party Coming January 17!

Hello Penguins!
You’ve been sending in lots of great questions about the upcoming Prehistoric Party. So today I’m answering some of the most popular ones:
When does the party start? 
January 17 – less than a week from now!
Will we really be able to transform into dinosaurs?
Yep! Get ready to fly, stomp, and roar as a Triceratops, T-Rex, and Pteranodon. This is what your player card will look like when you’re a dinosaur:

How long can we stay a dinosaur? 
Until you’re ready to transform back into a penguin… or a different dino!
Do dinosaurs have special powers? 
Yeah, they throw PUKE snowballs! I learned that the hard way:

Hope you’re digging these party sneak peeks. What else are you interested in hearing about the party? We'll try to answer more questions later this week!
Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team

I don't like the ''special power''. It just isn't  my thing... But the rest is epic! And by epic I mean REALLY epic. And I like that we can stay a dino as long as we want!

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