Friday, February 1, 2013

Club Penguin Times Issue #380

By Cadence - Check it party penguins! Prep for the Hollywood Party is coming along FAMOUSLY! I can hardly contain my excitment! I'm super STOKED for Feb. 14! And the best part? This party is going to give everyone the chance to make it BIG! SAY WHAT?!

                                                             DINO DIG IN HISTORY!

By Gary - GADZOOKS! What an amazing adventure!! Being among the dinosaurs was exponentially far superior than I ever imagined. And all the data we collected will keep me busy in my labs for months! I can't wait to get started!!!  I am pleased to say that all dinosaurs were safely returned to the past, and there's a 24.5%  probability that we haven't caused a rift in the time-space-continuum. Overall-an outstanding success! Thanks to all the scientists, explorers, and caveguins who came along for the adventure. And here's to the next one! FOR SCIENCE!!!

Is the Everyday Phoning Facility going
to be fixed? I need to make a call!
                                                -C. Krett

It is quite unfortunate, but the
Everyday Phoning Facility has been
out of commission since the Blackout
last November.

There was a substantial amount
of damage, and it will require a large
amount of work to get it fixed up.
An architect  Remarked:

  ''We wanna give the Phoning Facility
an update. A new look, somethin' fresh,
and sleek. We've been makin' updates
all over the island, and this is definitely
next on the list''

''First we gotta finish cleanin' the rubble up.
For some reason we keep findin' kale
chip crumbs in the control panels!''

They didn't have an exact date
on when the construcion will be
completed, si watch this space.


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