Friday, February 15, 2013

New Card-Jitsu Villain: Sly

Hey ninjas,

In the last few weeks, we introduced you to two brand new Card-Jitsu characters. You met Scrap, the mouthy athlete, and Tank, the muscly thug. Now it's time to meet the third.

Last, but not least.... here's Sly:

This guy's always got his eye on the action... He's devious. He's determined. He's dangerous.

Some interesting facts:
  • Favorite Drink: Cola in a can
  • Favorite Food: Chicken wings with blue cheese dip
  • Quirk: Obsessively polishes his bowling ball while scheming
  • Quote: "Oh yah, we'll get 'em. Ooooh Yah..."

So now you know who you're up against... how are you going to stop them?!?

Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
Well Polo... I really hope so!
Credit to Ocean6100!

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