Tuesday, February 12, 2013

New Card-Jitsu Villain: Tank

Hey all!

Last week you met Scrap - a tenacious fighter, with serious athletic skill and a big ego to match.

Now introducing... Tank!

This guy's all about brute force. He's a thug. A goon. But he's not the sharpest ninja in the Dojo...

Some interesting facts:
  • Favorite Food: Farmer's Breakfast (eggs, sausage, bacon, hash browns, toast, pancakes, extra sausage, extra bacon)
  • Favorite Dance Move: He's doing it right now...
  • Quirk: Growls when he hears the name Sensei
  • Quote: "GRRUGH!"

Do you think you know why these guys are teaming up against ninjas? Share your ideas in the comments!

Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team

Thanks Ocean6100!

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