Saturday, February 16, 2013

Hollywood Party! (My Stories And Adventures)

Ok. One day I was walking to the Town, sat on a bench, and I was waiting for the limo. Then someone came up to me and said ''HEY GUYS! I THINK THAT IS MOUNTAIN!'' So then they came up to me and said ''Hi Mountain!'' So of course I said Hi! Then they said ''Aren't you from the film The Monkey And The Penguin? So I said Yes! So I had a picture and signed autographs and they left. Then the Limo arrived and I got in. Sat down at the counter and waited for the limo to arrive at the Snow Forts.Then we did arrive and I got off of the limo and let the person at the booth see my VIP pass. Went in to the movie set, and I started acting and doing stunts. Then I treated the staff to pizza! Then we all went outside and went to the limo! We had a hard time getting to the limo... but I did get on the limo, so it does not really matter. So we rode to the Plaza and went in to the Pizza Parlor and ordered three cheese pizzas. After we finished the pizza I ordered 5 milkshakes and one icecream. After we finished  we went outside and we went in to the Awards Show. And the winning movies were... The Return of The Giant Space Squid, Club Penguin High 3, and... The Penguin And The Monkey! Everyone cheered and all 6 of us went up on stage, and we said ''Thank you all!'' so all six of us went back to the seats. With awards!

(This story did not happen in real game play)

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