Friday, February 22, 2013

Island Whispers: The Scroll

Hello people,

There is something strange on the island, which we should get to the bottom ... These are the scroll in the command center of the EPF. We wonder what kind of a scroll next to the OP computer ...?

Using a few agents ... (shhhh ... do not tell the name, for it is better to operate concealed at that time) ... we have developed a number of ways:

A) Is it a message from Herbert with information about his latest plan?
B) Is the plan for the new snow dojo or perhaps a message of shadow ninjas?
C) If it is an old document from the EPF, which has emerged from the destruction?

Hm ... it's not that easy ... Let's decide together ... What does the scroll? Just leave me a comment on this below in the box. I'm really looking forward to very much!

Secret fins Winker Greetings :-)

your Federflink1
from Club Penguin Team

Hmm... I think it is from Director... If Gary can go back in time, why can he not find a scroll? LOL 20px-Wink_Emoticon_50px.png

Thanks Ocean6100!

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